Wednesday 21 March 2012

After feedback

After I gathered my feedback on all the aspects of my magazine people said that it did not quite look like a magazine more of a poster, so I decided to change the certain parts of my front cover, contents, double page.
Front cover:
On my front cover I decided and was advised to change the colour of title from using a very bright picture that was like an ‘explosion’ of colour. So I used more basic colours that would still stand out and be noticed if they were placed on a shop shelf. As I changed the title colour I decided to also change the overall colour pattern as I first started with blue as a main colour but then with some help from the feedback I decided that red was a better colour to use as well as have a bit of a stand out colour of yellow.

Contents page:
Again in the contents page I had to change the colour of the background and the overall colour scheme to add the fluidity in my work. I also changed the overall layout to make sure I stuck with my codes and conventions and did not stray too far from the concept. I added some features such as the picture of the front cover in the corner to stick with codes and conventions as well as adding a subscription box and an editor’s box to add more codes and conventions and make it look more like a contents page for a magazine.
Double page spread:
On my double page spread I again decided to stick to more codes and conventions and had realised that on a double page spread there must be a clear divide as when it comes to print there will be a loss of writing if they cross the page. So I then had to move the pictures as well as the title into places where it would not get cut off. I also added an introduction to the interview as well as adding a quote that is located above the left hand side picture. I also decided to add another free track in the right hand corner of the page to make it more realistic.

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