Saturday 23 June 2012

media A2

For my preliminary task my teacher set our class a task to create a video to represent youth in England. For this task we had to go in to group of 2 so I and my partner (Jerome) both decided to make it about a stereotype which would help us link in with our focus which was to represent real life situations so we thought back to the recent riots in London and linked it with crime. We are hoping to start recording of our short clip on Monday but it is down to whether we can get the resources needed and the people who we want to take part in our clip. I will shortly be putting up story boards and the script that is going to be used.

Friday 23 March 2012

Powerpoint presentation

The link below shows my final power point presentation. On this you will see how I went about the production for my magazine and see analyse on my product as well. I will also link my research power point shorty to show where I gathered most of my ideas from.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Question 8

Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

In hindsight I believe if I had the knowledge of the programs I have been using during my task so Photoshop as well as InDesign as at GCSE I did not really use Photoshop as I did not do Design or Graphic art which from some of my other classmates gave me disadvantage at the start of the year but the one thing that helped me use it better is I used a trial and error system just taking a normal photo and adding effects or cropping it so that it was easier later or in the production of my magazine.

Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I have learnt a lot about InDesign and also learnt how to make my product as appealing as possible. For example I learnt how to over lay certain aspects so where I have put my main photo over the title and how it goes over certain parts of text. I also enhanced some of the skills I had already which helped my product look ‘professional’ not ‘something that had been made by a media AS student’

Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?
I have attracted my target audience by putting aspects such as a guide in the magazine for festivals and concerts that are the best parts of music and it’s proven that the vast majority of all music lovers enjoy concerts and festivals as well as any other type of live music. I also attracted my target audience by adding aspects such as the new bands/rejuvenated which will help my promote my magazine as if people like the bands they see in here or like the music they make or have made in the past.

Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The target audience I have decided to promote my product to is the middle class and really people who like the genre of music(indie rock) as well as people who are a bit outrageous people due to the who genre and what it stands for. So my target audience are mainly males aged 12-18 that like indie rock music as well as going to concerts and festivals as that is something the magazine focuses on.