Wednesday 29 February 2012

After the feedback in class

After the feedback in class I have decided to make changes to my front cover, contents page and double page spread. I am going to make changes to the layout of the double page spread and the contents page and possibly change some of the pictures on my double page spread by taking more and maybe adding more crops for example a picture of someone on the drums and maybe some other pictures I will hopefully take this either next Monday or Tuesday.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Double page spread

My double page spread has been created from looking at and basing it on the double page spreads of NME and keeping to the main codes and conventions and hopefully this is okay? comment with improvements if any.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

This week

This week I have been modifying my front cover and contents page as well as the composing the questions that I will be asking my models/band members on what helped them to fame and other questions.
Attached to this you will see a copy of my contents page and front cover.
Feel free to comment and any suggestions :)!
This is my front cover I have been influenced by magazines such as NME and Kerrang. From the magazines I have been trying to make the front cover as close to the magazines with out copying it! I have used these to create my codes and conventions.
I stuck to the same codes and conventions with my content page and I will carry on this throughout the magazine.
Next on my to do list is to create my double page spread that I hope to finish by Friday which leaves me the rest of my time to add/remove any content that is not needed. I will also do any improvements suggested and hopefully have them completed by next week too.

Friday 3 February 2012

This week in media!

This week I have been attempting to create my title again as the otherone did not go accourding to plan. Ihave changed the name of the magazine to 'Indie radar' to represent the message I am going for which is finding the new Indie rock band. I will add some pictures later!

Wednesday 1 February 2012

This week in media

This week in media I have been creating my title for my magazine which I have made around the genre of my magazine hich is Indie. This has helped me create my title as I am able to use bright and vibrant colours and on Friday I will be taking my photo for the magazine.